I really enjoyed the whole thing, i got a little offbeat in my head during the "check this out" transition tho. But altogether very solid. Nice work dude.
I really enjoyed the whole thing, i got a little offbeat in my head during the "check this out" transition tho. But altogether very solid. Nice work dude.
Upon discovering this track, I quickly exported it and sent it to be reviewed by DinkBot and he responded using the green LED! All of us over at the lab are very excited to see what experiment 487 will come up with next. Personally I thought the track was great. The audio was manipulated very well and the alteration of the voice leading to the drop sent chills down my spine. Allow me to thank you for using a sample from our interview. This is a very exciting time indeed.
Best regards,
[name omitted]
16:13 11-28-2014
Did you say one or zero?
Age 37
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Joined on 11/10/14